Muhammad Sajjad Kamaruz Zaman

The information was obtained from the federal territory mufti office pmwp meeting with the national registration department nrd two days ago.
Muhammad sajjad kamaruz zaman. Federal territories mufti datuk seri dr zulkifli mohamad al bakri said based on the verification information of nur sajat s identity card registration obtained from nrd the name was. Controversial cosmetics entrepreneur muhammad sajjad kamaruz zaman or popularly known as nur sajat was found to be born and registered as male. Selepas lebih enam bulan diberi muka usahawan kosmetik kontroversi muhammad sajjad kamaruz zaman atau nur sajat bakal didakwa sekali lagi di mahkamah majistret shah alam esok atas tuduhan memiliki dan menjual produk kosmetik tidak berdaftar. Maklumat itu diperolehi hasil pertemuan pejabat mufti wilayah persekutuan pmwp dengan jabatan pendaftaran negara jpn kelmarin.