Memudahkan Urusan In English

Dan barangsiapa yang diberi tanggung jawab untuk mengurusi umatku lalu ia memudahkan urusan mereka maka mudahkanlah hidupnya hr muslim untuk itu sebagai manusia sudah seharusnya kita memudahkan urusan mereka baik dalam hal pekerjaan atau pun yang lainnya.
Memudahkan urusan in english. Pengarah urusan kumpulan. Contextual translation of semoga allah permudahkan segala urusan m into english. Contextual translation of untuk memudahkan urusan into english. Managing director noun the chief executive of a limited company.
Contextual translation of urusan into english. Human translations with examples. Ease for work prepared encouraged dictionary sangat hargai. And thus were the affairs of the people of nephi exceedingly precarious and dangerous notwithstanding their great cvictory which they had had over the lamanites and their great rejoicings which they had had.
Contextual translation of memudahkan urusan into english. Pengarah urusan in english translation and definition pengarah urusan malay english dictionary online. Aku tetap di paris untuk urusan mendadak sehubungan dengan yayasan seni ku. Urusan translation in malay english dictionary.
Hopefully may god simplify may be simplified. Sebab siapa saja yang memberikan kemudahan urusan orang lain maka inshaallah. En 7 and there were many in the church who believed in the aflattering words of amalickiah therefore they bdissented even from the church. Human translations with examples.
Human translations with examples. Translations of the phrase urusan mendadak from indonesian to english and examples of the use of urusan mendadak in a sentence with their translations. May god simplify may god bless you may be simplified. For work dictionary sangat hargai family matters general affair personal matter.
Human translations with examples. Contextual translation of permudahkan segala urusan into english.