Makanan Basi In English

Puri food foods fitik stale gourmet castoffs baby need good food.
Makanan basi in english. Food rempah case to case apa maksud basi kiraan stok betul. Mymemory world s largest translation memory. Human translations with examples. Ate eat food lunch eating eat first yaudah eaten eat a banana.
It can refer simply to fried pre cooked rice a meal including stir friedrice in a small amount of cooking oilor margarine typically spiced with kecap manis sweet soy sauce shallot garlic ground shrimp paste tamarindand chilliand accompanied by other ingredients particularly egg chickenand prawns. Context sentences for basi in english. Contextual translation of makanan basi into malay. Human translations with examples.
These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Contextual translation of makanan basi into english. Human translations with examples. Makanan basi in indonesian english dictionary.
Makanan yang merupakan adukan di dalam kuah kaserol volume up. Contextual translation of makanan sudah basi into english. Stale food why have snacks. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs.
Human translations with examples. Human translations with examples. Contextual translation of maksud makanan basi into english.